How the Shape of a Cup or Glass Affects The Taste of Your Coffee

New startups have come up recently that have launched uniquely shaped coffee glasses. These offerings from companies like Kruve and Icosa brewhouse claim they enhance the taste of your coffee. Let’s investigate.

How to Brew Good Espresso At Home - Part 2, the grinder.

A burr grinder is the only way to make a good espresso. A good grinder can elevate the resulting shots from even mediocre machines.

How to Make a Delicious Cup of Faux Espresso with a stove-top Moka Pot in Just 5 Minutes

The flavor of coffee made with moka pots is intense and most closely resembles coffee made using an espresso machine. Here is how you can make the perfect moka pot coffee at home.

Iced Espresso: Your new favourite summer beverage.

Iced espresso is the perfect drink for beating summer’s heat. When you’re looking for an uplifting drink and a cup of good ole’ coffee just feels wrong under the scorching sun, try an iced espresso, or an iced americano, if you are in the mood for a bigger glass of coffee.

How to Brew Good Espresso At Home - Part 1, the machine.

A quality espresso machine, with the help of a good grinder will brew espresso with a rich, syrupy texture as well as the perfect balance of flavor and body; not to mention, a gorgeous layer of crema on top. It doesn’t have to be expensive


My name is Pranav and I am currently the sole author of this blog, with a little help from an AI. I’m a coffee addict. I’ve been drinking coffee for years, but brewing my own espresso was not something I every thought I would do on my own until a couple years or so ago. A few years ago, when I started working at a (fantastic) company that retails equipment and roasts coffee, My (then new) employer gifted me with an espresso set-up.